
Read: Class 02 - State and Props:

React Component Life-Cycle

React Component Life-Cycle

what happens first, the ‘render’ or the ‘componentDidMount’?

Based on the component life-cycle diagram the the ‘render’ happens first.

What is the very first thing to happen in the lifecycle of React?

The first thing will happen is mounting => When an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM it occurs during the mounting phase.

The order of lifecycle events happening:

  1. constructor
  2. render
  3. componentDidMount
  4. React Updates
  5. componentWillUnmount


What types of things can you pass in the props?

What is the big difference between props and state?

When do we re-render our application?

when we change the state inside of our application it’s going to re-render.

What are some examples of things that we could store in state?

Store what they’re updating that value to and what they’re changing that value…