
Read : Class 13 - Status Codes Based On REST Methods

100’s = information messages (informative) 200’s = 200-299 indicates that request is successful 300’s = redirection group 400’s = request problem, indicates error in client side. 500’s = errors from server side.

What is a status code 202?


What is a status code 308?

Permanent redirect

What code would you use if an update didn’t return data to a client?

204 No Content - A proper code for updates that don’t return data to the client, for example when just saving a currently edited document.

What code would you use if a resource used to exist but no longer does?

410 Gone - This is like 404 but we know that the resource existed in the past, but it got deleted or somehow moved, and we don’t know where.

What is the ‘Forbidden’ status code?

403 Forbidden - The client has authorized or doesn’t need to authorize itself, but still has no permissions to access the resource.

Things I want to know more about

Using CRUD professionally.