
Read: 07 - HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions:

Domain Modeling

Domain modeling is the process of creating a conceptual model for a specific problem. And a domain model that’s articulated well can verify and validate your understanding of that problem.

Define a constructor and initialize properties:

Property Data Type
epicRating 1 to 10 Number
hasAnimals true or false Boolean

### Calculate Weekly Likes:

Popularity of a video is measured in Likes. And the formula for calculating Likes is the number of viewers times the percentage of viewers who’ll Like a video. In other words, viewers times percentage.

To calculate the number of viewers per day, generate a random number between 10 and 30 and then multiply it by the epic rating of that video.

Random number Epic rating Viewers per day
10 10 100
20 9 180
30 8 240

The percentage of viewers who’ll Like a video depends on whether or not the video contains animals.

Animals Percentage
Yes 75%
No 40%
var EpicFailVideo = function(epicRating, hasAnimals) {
  this.epicRating = epicRating;
  this.hasAnimals = hasAnimals;

EpicFailVideo.prototype.generateRandom = function(min, max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

EpicFailVideo.prototype.dailyLikes = function() {
  var viewers, percentage;

  viewers = this.generateRandom(10, 30) * this.epicRating;

  if (this.hasAnimals) {
    percentage = 0.75;
  } else {
    percentage = 0.40;

  return Math.round(viewers * percentage);

EpicFailVideo.prototype.weeklyLikes = function() {
  var total = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    total += this.dailyLikes();

  return total;

var parkourFail = new EpicFailVideo(7, false);
var corgiFail = new EpicFailVideo(4, true);


The weeklyLikes() method on EpicFailVideo’s prototype is assigned a function with no parameters. This method starts by declaring a total variable that’s initialized to 0.

The weeklyLikes() method proceeds to call this.dailyLikes() seven times and adds the returning number of Likes to total using the += operator. Afterwards, total is returned.

When weeklyLikes() is called on both parkourFail and corgiFail, the returning value is logged to the console.


What’s a Table?

A table represents information in a grid format. Grids allow us to understand complex data by referencing information on two axes. Each block in the grid is referred to as a table cell. In HTML a table is written out row by row.

Functions, Methods, and Objects:

Creating an Object: Constructor Notation:

The new keyword and the object constructor create a blank object. You can then add properties and methods to the object.

// update the value of properties. = 'Toyota';
// here the car is the object, name is the property name, 'Toyota' is property value, '.' dot notation

Create the Object, then add properties and methods

Create the Object

Create the Object with properties and methods:

Object with properties and methods

What are built-in Objects?

Built-in Objects

Browser Object Model (BOM):

The browser object model creates a model of the browser tab or window. ~Browser Object Model


Global JavaScript Objects:

A group of individual objects that relate to different parts of JS language.

examples of using methods:

  1. DOM:
    • getElementById() gets an element by the value of its Id.
    • document.lastModified; that property tell you the date that the page last updated
  2. Global JavaScript Objects:
    • object.toUpperCase(); makes all leters uppercase.
    • Math.PI(); return the value of pi

Window Properties:

The window object has a slew of properties that can tell you (the programmer) about its properties. Skim through these properties and try clicking on their names to see output in the JavaScript console.

Property Description
title Title of current document
lastModifed Date on which document last modified
URL Returns string containing URL of current documet
domain Return domain of current document
closed Returns True if window is closed
defaultStatus Set the text on the status bar
innerHeight The inner height of the page (not including toolbar, other tabs, etc)
innerWidth The inner width (excludes toolbar, other tabs, etc.)
outerHeight The outer height of a window (including toolbar, other tabs, etc)
outerWidth The outer width of a window
location Window’s current URL
name Name of the window
parent Used with frames to refer to the window that created a particular window or is one level up from the frame
parent Reference to the window that the current window came from
pageXOffset The number of pixels user has scrolled horizontally from the upper-left corner of document
pageYOffset The number of pixels the user has been scrolled vertically
screenX Horizontal coordinate of the window relative to the screen
screenY Vertical coordinate of the window relative to the screen
top The top-most parent window

Window Methods:

| Method | Description | |——- |———— | | alert() | Opens a popup window. User must click OK to close | | prompt() | Prompts user for an input | | open() | Opens new browser window with specified URL | | close() | Closes window | | print() | Opens print dialog |

String Objects:

String Objects

Date Object and Time:

Data Objects