
Read: 10 - JS Debugging:

Execution Context:

Every statement in a script lives in one of three execution contexts:

Execution contexts by Scope:

Error Objects:

When an error object is created, it will contain the following properties:

Property Description
name Type of execution
message description
fileNumber Name of the JavaScript file
lineNumber Line number of error

JavaScript Built-in Errors:

Object Description
Error Generic Error
SyntaxError Syntax has not been followed
ReferenceError Tried to reference a variable that is not declared/within scope
TypeError An unexpected data type that cannot be coerced
RangeError Numbers not in acceptable range
URLError encodeURI ().decodeURI(),and similar methods used incorrectly
EvalError eval () function used incorrectly

*The eval() function: evaluates text through theinterpreter and runs it as code

Deal with Errors:

  1. Debug the script to fix errors
  2. Handle errors gracefully (try,catch,throw, and statement)

Break Points:

You can pause the execution of a script on any line using breakpoints. Then you can check the values stored in variables at that point in time.

How to use Break points @Google_Chrome?

  1. Select the Sources option.
  2. Select the script you are working with from the left-hand pane. The code will appear to the right.
  3. Find the line number you want to stop on and click on it.
  4. When you run the script, it will stop on this line. You can now hover over any variable to see its value at that time in the script’s execution.

Conditional Breakpoints:

You can indicate that a breakpoint should be triggered only if a condition that you specify is met. The condition can use existing variables.

To use it:

  1. Right-click on a line number.
  2. Select Add Conditional Breakpoint…
  3. Enter a condition into the popup box. 4 . When you run the script, it will only stop on this line if the condition is true (e.g., if area is less than 20).

You can see video for how to use it from here: Conditional Breakpoints

Finally… Book Chapter Built-in Summary: