
Read: 11 - Assorted Topics:

CSS Images:

Controlling sizes of images in CSS:

width: value; height: value, are used to control size of images. HTML and CSS code will often load before the images, and telling the browser how much space to leave for an image allows it to render the rest of the page without waiting for the image to download.

example of image sizes that are commonly used on all pages:

Align images:

Background Images:

Background Position:

we can use percentage also, background-position: 50% 50%;

**Shorthand: example: we can use {background: #ffffff url(“images/tulip.gif”) no-repeat top right;}

the order like this:

  1. background-color
  2. background-image
  3. background-repeat
  4. background-attachment
  5. background-position

Image Rollovers & Sprites:

when a link or button changes to a second style when a user moves their mouse over it. This is achieved by setting a background image for the link or button that has three different styles of the same button.

Spirte: single image is used for several different parts of an interface.

Constrast of Background Images:

Practical Information:


SEO: Search Engine Optimization; the name reflects the functionality of it.

On page SEO:

seven key places where keywords in every page of website:

  1. Page title
  2. URL / Web address
  3. Headings
  4. Text
  5. Link Text
  6. Image Alt Text
  7. Page Description

Identify Keywords and phrases:

  1. BrainStorm
  2. Organize
  3. Research
  4. Compare
  5. Refine
  6. Map

Summary from the book: