
My name is Abdelqader Al-Omari and this is my reading_notes in software development learning journey.

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Topic Link of Topic
Read-01 Java Basics
Read-02 Arrays, Loops, Imports
Read-03 Maps, primitives, File I/O
Read-04 OOP
Read-06 Inheritance and Interfaces
Read-08 OO Design
Read-09 WRRC and Java
Read-10 Stacks and Queues
Read-11 Spring
Read-12 Spring RESTful Routing & Static Files
Read-13 relationship annotation & integration testing
Read-14 BCrypt
Read-15 Trees
Read-16 Spring Authentication
Read-17 Spring Authorization
Read-18 Web App Security
Read-19 Spring and Sockets
Read-26 Android fundamentals
Read-27 Intents, Activities, and SharedPreferences
Read-28 RecyclerView
Read-29 Room
Read-30 Hash Tables
Read-31 Espresso
Read-32 Serverless and Amplify
Read-33 GraphQL @connection
Read-34 Android Monetization
Read-35 Graphs
Read-36 Cognito
Read-37 Amazon S3
Read-38 Notifications
Read-39 Amplify and Kinesis
Read-41 Intent Filters
Read-42 Location
Read-42.2 Ethics In Tech
Read-43 OSS Contributions
Read-44 Monetization

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

Topic Link of Topic
Read-01 Introduction to React and Components
Read-02 State and Props
Read-03 Passing Functions as Props
Read-04 React and Forms
Read-05 Thinking in React
Read-06 NODE.JS
Read-07 REST
Read-08 API Design Best Practices
Read-09 Functional Programming Concepts
Read-10 JS Debugging
Read-11 Authentication
Read-12 Mongo and Mongoose
Read-13 Status Codes Based On REST Methods
Read-14 Read 14
Read-15 Read 15

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

Topic Link of Topic
Read 01 Introductory HTML and JavaScript
Read 02 HTML Text, CSS Introduction and Basic JavaScript Instructions
Read 03 HTML Lists, CSS Boxes and JS Control Flow
Read 04 HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
Read 05 HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
Read 06 JS Object Literals; The DOM
Read 07 HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
Read 08 More CSS Layout
Read 09 Forms and Events
Read 10 JS Debugging
Read 11 Assorted Topics
Read 12 HTML canvas Element & Chart.js
Read 13 Local Storage
Read 14a CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
Read 14b What Google Learned About Teams

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

Topic Link of Topic
Lab 01b Growth Mindset
Read 01 Learning Markdown
Read 02 Git Intro
Read 03 HTML
Read 03b CSS
Read 04a JavaScript
Read 05 Operators & Loops
Read 06 Programming with JavaScript